Wonderful morning visiting a friends 7 hive apiary. Great to see how she inspects and documents the hives. I love seeing all the activity on each frame. Such a lovely area with a field of buckwheat. Beautiful!
Picked up the NUC late last night. By the time we got home and installed the bees it was almost midnight. Needless to say the bees were not happy. After being dragged out of their home right at dark and with a light drizzle, by the time got home and moved them yet again, they were not happy campers. Night installs, never again. Poor pitiful hive...used bits and pieces to put this one together until we can get all of it's own ~parts. All boxed in. Three in a row. :D
We got up bright and early this morning to pick up our NUC. Arrived back home and quickly put on our jacket and veils so we could take a peek at our new hive.